Royal Halwa

In the latest addition to this blog I told you guys that we were out clubbin. In a social aspect that night was really rewarding allthough it did reward me with a nasty hangover as well. We actually spent some time on the dance floor at intercontinental and there we met a very interesting man.I cant fully figure out how to pronounce his name so I call him YesMan which sounds close enough to the real deal. YesMan impressed us righ from the start by owning the dancefloor in his traditional Omani attire. We ended the night at 4am by cruising the finer parts of Muscat in his brand new Nissan Armada. (He told us later though that he had been a little dissapointed because his chauffeur had been 3 minutes late to pick us up).

It turns out that YesMan works for Sultan Qaabos who is the current king of Oman and wants to bring us some traditional Omani chow come the next day. We concluded amongst ourselves that it had been a great night and YesMan had been contributing to that but we were all sure that he would not follow up on his "drunken promises". But like so many times before we were wrong again. YesMan came over and brought  traditional Omani Halawa, coffey and some other goodies. Naturally he had orderd all this stuff 10 in the morning from the best place in Oman and threathend to close them down if they didnt deliver as expected, we hope he was joking.
YesMan have 600 pigeons and he is actually racing some of them. Speaking of racing, YesMan also had some exciting cars in his garage including a Corvette and a mean Mustang which he showed Josefines dad (Sven Erik) earlier during the day, Sven Erik also got to meet his brothers.

Mira had also met some guy earlier at Continental so we met up with them at a very nice beach which we are infact heading to today. The beach in itself and the scenery around it is awesome but they also have a arabian style bar were you can sit in the shade on pillows and smoke Shisha while listening to a nice assortment of party tunes,
I feel I have to round this up now, the beach is calling!


YesMan and his royal Halawa

Hangin out on the beach late at night

The ladies got lucky with the daving centre water sport crew ;)
Yet another blurry image

The arabic bar at the diving center (Closing time)


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